Email required to log in

  • Launched

Eirik Halvorsen

I would like to have gallery visitors log in with their email. That would be helpful when giving permission to download (in various sizes) to specific email addresses.
For instance, the brides email can download photos, but every other guest she sends the link to can only view images.


Activity Newest / Oldest


Yelzhan (Product Manager)

Status changed to: Launched


Yelzhan (Product Manager)

Merged with: Email registration for weddings guests / gallery viewers


Jim Parker

When wedding guests view the gallery - ask them to enter their email address first and have these stored for photographers in the gallery dashboard


Yelzhan (Product Manager)

Status changed to: In progress


Janet Deltuva

My current gallery delivery has a setting to require an e-mail for the viewer. Then when they favorite (a heart next to image) the list of the favorites is associated with their e-mail. Frequently several family members are choosing from a single gallery versus creating a gallery for each e-mail address


Lera (Product Marketing)

Merged with: Require/Collect E-mails/Favorite an Image


Ivan Luckie

gallery expiration, access either with password or authorized emails


Yelzhan (Product Manager)

Merged with: Access


Yelzhan (Product Manager)

@Eirik, if you're looking to only allow the bride to download images, you could use the Download PIN option under your Gallery Settings and share it with her. When enabled, whoever requests to download images would need to enter the PIN before proceeding.