
  • Launched

Yelzhan (Product Manager)

Including the following:

  • Choosing favorites
  • Unfavoring images
  • Saving favorites selection & the ability to come back to favorites selection
  • Seeing favorites & who chose them
  • Exporting favorites
  • Downloading favorites
  • Album integration


Activity Newest / Oldest


Yelzhan (Product Manager)

Status changed to: Launched


Gaetano De Marco

when it comes out?

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Geeshan Bandara

I agree. Please, please have this done by now. I desperately need to offer my clients the ability to pick favourites and get them into albums


Roel Simons

Hi Maryna, is there an update on when you expect to deliver this feature. It's the only step missing for me, for using the galleries for my clients


Thiago Bertulino

Is there any forecast if this feature comes out this year?


Geeshan Bandara

Yes. Would it be possible to get this out in the next few months?


Yelzhan (Product Manager)

@thiago & @geeshan, thanks for your patience! We hope to have this feature out later this year.

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Geeshan Bandara

Hi Yelzhan, Is there any possibility of this being done soon? It's been over 6 months since I last checked in. I'm having a hard time with not being able to provide a 'favourites' feature to clients.


Anouk van Helmond

Very curious if the favorites function is still "under construction". This is the main reason why I don't use Pixellu Galleries for my weddings now...


Yelzhan (Product Manager)

Hi Anouk, thanks for checking in. This feature is in progress and we are working hard to get it delivered soon. Thank you for your patience!

  • Z

Luciano Pacheco

Suggestion: Include ability to read Lightroom metadata in order to predefine favorite images with defined rule. In exemple: enable an option in galleries to define that images with a number of star (image attribute came from Ligthroom) and above will be automatically defined as favorite inside gallery


Fabricia Soares

Any idea when it will be ready?

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Yelzhan (Product Manager)

Hi Fabricia, we are in the middle of working on this feature as we speak, and hoping it will be available to everyone soon.

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Geeshan Bandara

This is fantastic news. So excited for this. Any chance we can see this roll out in the next few months? 🙏🏽


Yelzhan (Product Manager)

Geeshan, we are very excited about this as well! We don't have specific dates at the moment but we want to make it available to all our users as soon as we can. We are working very hard to make it happen.


Yelzhan (Product Manager)

Status changed to: In progress


Yelzhan (Product Manager)

Merged with: Nice but needs improvement


Chris Marogg

Looks great, I especially like the designs. I also like the fact that the customer can download the images in print and web resolution.

Currently I use Picdrop. The big advantage there is that the customer can mark pictures. For wedding albums this is great. So the customer can mark pictures for the album green. I can transfer this selection to Lightroom with two clicks. That saves time and nerves.

The customer can also use Picdrop to make pictures invisible with a special access. This is great if the customer gives the link to the guests after a wedding, but does not want to provide them with certain photos.

I also miss the possibility to write a welcome text.


Yelzhan (Product Manager)

Hello Chris, thank you for your feedback! We already have both of these features on the board, so I will go ahead and merge your request into here: feedback.pixellu.com/b/pixellu-galleries/ability-to-download-favorites/. Also, I've added your vote to our Hide Photos features (feedback.pixellu.com/b/pixellu-galleries/hide-photos). Thank you!



It would be useful to be an option for overlay filename over the photo and a choice to select favorites photos and share the filenames list with the photographer (as a csv file for example) to import them for editing to lightroom.


Yelzhan (Product Manager)

Merged with: Filename and share filename list with photographer


Yelzhan (Product Manager)

Hello all! We currently offer an option to allow your clients to see image filenames in a gallery by checking the box "Show image filenames" on the Gallery Style step. This will allow your client to see the image filename by hovering over the image in the image grid view or seeing it below the image when previewing a single image. The rest of this feature request aligns with our feature request on Favorites (found here feedback.pixellu.com/b/pixellu-galleries/ability-to-download-favorites/). So, we are going to be merging the two together. Thank you!


Nathan Smith

This is HUGE! Often I use galleries to proof a photo shoot, and then the client can quickly mark favorites so I can edit just those.


Thiago Bertulino

Today I use the Pixieset gallery to share the photos with my clients, but I am interested in migrating to your gallery, but there is a very important feature missing, that of the client favoring their favorite photos (choosing), in order to assemble the album the chosen photos.
It would be even more interesting if the gallery joined the smart album, so when the customer favored the photos, the choice would already appear on the smart album. I say more, the same photos chosen by the client in the gallery, you can in addition to already assemble the album, assemble the slides, a connection between the products you have is missing :(

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Lera (Product Marketing)

Merged with: Inclusion of favorite in the gallery


Cristian Salvatierra

I use the galleries apart from delivery is the way my client can choose the pictures that they want on the albums, so that is one of the most important feature to me.


Yelzhan (Product Manager)

Merged with: Choose favorite pictures


Muhammad Firdaus Abdul Karim

Have a like or love button for clients to choose the images they like for their album and allow photographers to download them from back end.

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Yelzhan (Product Manager)


Yelzhan (Product Manager)

@Muhammad, I'm merging this feature request with an already existing one. Thank yoU!


Yelzhan (Product Manager)

Merged with: Favourites list


justin harris

The ability for a client to create favourite lists (shareable & exportable to Lightroom etc) is essential


Yelzhan (Product Manager)

Merged with: Liking the photo


Urška Majer

It would be great to have an option that the client that is signed in with an email to be able to like/heart the photographs that can then be used for albums.

  • D

Yelzhan (Product Manager)

@Urška Majer, I'll be merging this feature with our "Favorites" feature. feedback.pixellu.com/b/pixellu-galleries/ability-to-download-favorites/



I'd love this beautiful gallery system to have a feature whereby I can upload a selection of images (say 100) which are not yet available for direct download. I allow my clients to favourite the amount of images that comes with the package they choose (say 30) and those 30 images are available for download. If they want more images, they can purchase additional files .

Pass Plus offers a system like this: www.passgallery.com/downloads-settings-and-customization

Many thanks!


Yelzhan (Product Manager)

Merged with: Allow client to select a set # of favourites for download


Ivan Luckie

A favorite option for each image client love would be amazingly helpful, also a way to download that list of favs so we can create the album and/or why not, send those fav photos to the album and make process smoother


Yelzhan (Product Manager)

Merged with: Favorites


Yelzhan (Product Manager)

Merged with: Favorites


Yelzhan (Product Manager)

Including the following:

* Choosing favorites
* Unfavoring images
* Saving favorites selection & the ability to come back to favorites selection
* Seeing favorites & who chose them
* Exporting favorites
* Downloading favorites


Yelzhan (Product Manager)

Status changed to: Planned


PVR Photo

This is needed for album designing. Ability to download client favourites. Saves lot of headache for me.

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Renato dPaula

It's also important to have the option to export the file names of the favorites to LR.