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לעשות דהייה לתמונה בה היא עוברת ממילוי לדהייה באותה תמונה
Hi, I would like to add to the software: That it be possible to design a template for an entire 30-page album, rather than...
It would be great if we could simplify the feedback process. Currently clients click "submit feedback" twice--once in the text...
It would be very useful to be able to apply a change in font and font size/colour to all text boxes in the album, rather than...
I love the intuitive and speedy workflow of SmartAlbums. I currently use a much less elegant and efficient template system for...
Ciao ragazzi, inspiegabilmente il progetto non si apre più. Avete qualche consiglio
I would like to suggest that the size of the frames would change only by moving the space between them, and both frames of the...
My suggestions: 1. Possibility of adding a line or frame, without the need to insert an image inside. Very, very needed. 2....
Thanks for fastest assitance ever! Right now i will continue to use old version, i was asking why software not uptaded with...
tip: Why don't you put a gradient pattern in the pattern browsers? so we can create less sharp gradients. thanks