Within the gallery I'd like separate folders/ sections. For example for a wedding you could have getting ready / ceremony etc. Commercial work could have edited/ low res etc
This will be a make or break feature to commit to pixellu galleries from India. Weddings in India are a 3 day affair and not a one day like in US. So the number of images are higher.
The current version will work for small weddings , portrait photographers, baby photographers, etc.
Activity Newest / Oldest
Michael Bösendorfer
Yelzhan (Product Manager)
Status changed to: Launched
Yelzhan (Product Manager)
Status changed to: In progress
Meri Bond
I don't see the option to have albums within the gallery, e.g. Getting Ready, Wedding, Cocktail Hour, Reception
Lera (Product Marketing)
Merged with: Albums
justin harris
Within the gallery I'd like separate folders/ sections. For example for a wedding you could have getting ready / ceremony etc. Commercial work could have edited/ low res etc
Yelzhan (Product Manager)
Merged with: Sub sections
PVR Photo
This will be a make or break feature to commit to pixellu galleries from India. Weddings in India are a 3 day affair and not a one day like in US. So the number of images are higher.
The current version will work for small weddings , portrait photographers, baby photographers, etc.
Geeshan Bandara
Agreed. Being in Sri Lanka shooting both Indian and Sri Lankan weddings this would be a welcome change.
I'm not sure I can migrate without this.
Eirik Halvorsen
As a wedding photographer I like to divide the full gallery into albums from different parts of the day. Easier to use and easier to find images.
Yelzhan (Product Manager)
Merged with: Client should have sub galleries.
Yelzhan (Product Manager)
Thank you for your suggestion! I've merged your request to the following feature request: Sorting images into albums.
Yelzhan (Product Manager)
Status changed to: Planned