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sarebbe utile poter azzerare l'elenco dei preferiti scelti dal cliente. grazie.
After click download all images the client dont receive an email with the link. Also they dont receive an email verification...
recebo reclamações de meus clientes na hora de baixar as fotos no celular, o sistema deveria ser mais dinamico, baixando as...
Hello. I use Cloudspot gallery. Now I payed pixellu plan. I've been using your platform for a while now. I notice differences...
When my clients try to create favourites list, they don't receive an email for vericifation.
Its been a month since I am using Pixellu. It was great except the 2 issues for now. 1. Galleries limit is only 2K which is...
Right now the Date Taken sorting feature in the gallery shows the oldest images first. I would like to be able to show my...
Оплатив річний план, все було чудово, а тепер у клієнтів для скачування фото вимагає адресу електронної пошти, мені це не...
Hello, I have an issue, I have subscription all apps bundle, and today I want to make 3 albums from 3 weddings, 3 clients have...
No puedo cargar mis galerías, me sale página no encontrada y tengo que entregar galerías, necesito una solución ya!!!!!!!!!!!!